Please note that this website is only a demo store. This is just a sample FAQ page.

How do I place an order?

1. Simply choose from our list of featured products
2. Click add to cart
3. When done selecting all the items, click view cart and review order.
4. Proceed to checkout for payment and delivery options
5. Submit order when everything looks good.

What modes of payment do you accept?

We offer 3 options for payment.
1. Bank Transfer
2. Cash on Delivery
3. Credit Card or Paypal

How long does it take to receive the products?

Our daily order cut-off for same day delivery is 2pm. Our delivery time is between 10am and 4pm, Mondays thru Saturdays. We are closed on Sundays.

What is the expiration of the items?

The expiration varies by product. We always ship the latest production on the day that we process the order.

Is there a way to contact you if we have additional questions?

Yes, you may fill-out our Contact Us form and just click send. You may also email us at

Our customer service hours are Mondays thru Saturdays, 8am to 5pm.